Insights Overview

NameAPI Code
3IP InfoipInfo
5Mouse/Finger gesturesmouse
7UI interactionsuiInteractions


Accessing API Fields

Discover how to retrieve the API fields listed below through the Dataset Insights API.



Our API typically returns non-null values as string. For type spec on each field, see the Data Type column in the tables below.

For detailed type specifications, check out the Type Specification


FieldData TypeDescription
browserIdstringHashed browser Id (all info is displayed for the browser from where the biggest traffic is comming). Max length: 100
browserNamestringName of the web browser being used. Max length: 100
deviceBrandstringBrand or manufacturer of the device being used. Max length: 100
browserLanguagestringLanguage set in the web browser. Max length: 100
browserTimezoneNamestringTimezone set in the web browser. Max length: 100
deviceOperatingSystemstringOperating system of the device being used. Max length: 100
browserIsAdblockEnabledbooleanA flag indicating whether adblock is enabled in the browser
deviceScreenOrientationfloatOrientation of the device screen. 0 = normal view, 90/270 = if user on on phone and rotate screen
browserUniqueDeviceIdCountintegerQty of the unique devices (Only if continuous upload is used)
browserIsIncognitoModeDetectedbooleanA flag indicating whether incognito mode is detected in the browser

Response body example (application/json)

      "deviceOperatingSystem":"Mac OS X",


FieldData TypeDescription
datasetsCountAllFromDeviceIdintegerTotal number of datasets uploaded from the same device
datasetsCountAllFromIpintegerTotal number of datasets uploaded from the same IP
datasetsCountAllFromDeviceIdAndIpintegerTotal number of datasets uploaded from the same device and IP
datasetsUniqueIpFromDeviceIdintegerUnique IP adresses for given device
datasetsUniqueDeviceIdFromIpintegerUnique devices for given IP address

Response body example (application/json)


IP Info

FieldData TypeDescription
ipstringUnique identifier assigned to a device on a network. Max length: 100
hostnamestringHost name of an IP address. Max length: 100
citystringUrban area where an IP address is located. Max length: 100
regionstringGeographical subdivision of a country where an IP address is situated. Max length: 100
countrystringCountry where an IP address is registered. Max length: 100
locstringGPS location of area where an IP address is registered. Max length: 100
postalstringPostal code associated with an IP address's location. Max length: 100
timezonestringStandard timezone of an IP address's geographical area. Max length: 100
privacyVpnbooleanSecure network connection that masks and encrypts the IP address
privacyProxybooleanIntermediate server that acts as a mediator between a device and the internet
privacyTorbooleanAnonymizing network that conceals the IP address by routing internet traffic through multiple relays
privacyRelaybooleanIntermediate node in the Tor network that helps anonymize and forward internet traffic
privacyHostingbooleanConnection via hosting provider (IP address masking)

Response body example (application/json)

      "postal":"110 00",


FieldData TypeDescription
clickRageActionsCountintegerCount of times when user clicked more than 5 times per second
mouseRageActionsCountintegerCount of times when user moved mouse faster than 200 pixels per second
touchRageActionsCountintegerCount of times when user made touch more than 4 times per second
keyboardRageActionsCountintegerCount of times when user pressed more than 4 keys per second

Response body example (application/json)


Mouse/Finger gestures

FieldData TypeDescription
mouseMovingSpeedfloatMouse pointer speed; distance in pixels over total time (= pixels per second)
clickTotalEventsCountintegerTotal count of click events
mouseMovingPathLengthfloatMouse pointer distance; measured in pixels
touchTotalEventsCountintegerTotal count of touch events
scrollTotalEventsCountintegerTotal count of scroll events

Response body example (application/json)



FieldData TypeDescription
inputFromBeginningCountintegerCount of times when user start input from the first position of the field for the first interaction
inputFromInsideCountintegerCount of times when user input some value inside of the field (on the position > 1 and < string length) for the first interaction
inputFromEndCountintegerCount of times when user input some values at the end of the string for the first interaction
touchPropForceAvgfloatAverage force, Force is scaled to [0: 1], 0 - in case if not supported by the device
touchPropForceMinfloatMin force
touchPropForceMaxfloatMax force
keyboardTotalKeysPressedCountintegerTotal count of keys pressed on the keyboard
keyboardIsTrustedKeyCountintegerCount of trusted inputs during the application process. Trusted input = generated by end users.
keyboardLetterKeysPressedCountintegerCount of letter keys pressed on the keyboard
keyboardNumberKeysPressedCountintegerCount of number keys pressed on the keyboard
keyboardSymbolKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the symbol key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardSpecialKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the special key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardTabKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the tab key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardMetaKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the meta key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardSpaceKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the space key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardCutKeysPressedCountintegerCount of times the "Ctrl + X" keys were pressed, i.e. cut actions via keyboard
keyboardCopyKeysPressedCountintegerCount of times the "Ctrl + C" keys were pressed, i.e. copy actions via keyboard
keyboardPasteKeysPressedCountintegerCount of times the "Ctrl + V" keys were pressed, i.e. paste actions via keyboard
keyboardAltKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the Alt key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardCtrtKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the Ctrl key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardShiftKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the Shift key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardTextShiftKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the "Shift" key was pressed with text input (capital letters or special symbols typing)
keyboardDeleteKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the Delete key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardBackspaceKeyPressedCountintegerCount of times the Backspace key was pressed on the keyboard
keyboardShiftDeleteActionsCountintegerCount of times the "Shift + Delete" keys were pressed, i.e. permanent delete actions via keyboard
keyboardCtrlAltDeleteActionsCountintegerCount of times the "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" keys were pressed ("Security Keys")
keyboardTypingSpeedfloatOnly keyboard events are taken into the account, symbols per second
inputIsNotNumberCountintegerQty of values in the input with type different from number (letters, symbols, etc.)
inputIsNotLettersCountintegerQty of values in the input with type different from letters (numbers, symbols, etc.)
inputStartWithSpecCharCountintegerCount of times when user started typing field with a special character during the first interaction
inputStartWithNumberCountintegerCount of times when user started typing field with a number during the first interaction
inputStartWithLowerCountintegerCount of times when user started typing field with a lower letters during the first interaction
inputStartWithUpperCountintegerCount of times when user started typing field with a upper letters during the first interaction
inputStartWithNotUpperCountintegerCount of times when user started typing field without upper letter during the first interaction

Response body example (application/json)


UI interactions

FieldData TypeDescription
inputCutActionsCountintegerQty of all cut actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputCopyActionsCountintegerQty of all copy actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputPasteActionsCountintegerQty of all paste actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputInsertActionsCountintegerQty of all insert actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputInsertFromPasteActionsCountintegerQty of all insert from paste actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputDeleteActionsCountintegerQty of all delete actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputInsertTextActionsCountintegerQty of insert text actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputInsertFromPasteTextActionsCountintegerQty of insert from paste text actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted
inputDeleteTextActionsCountintegerQty of delete text actions. Both keyboard and mouse actions counted

Response body example (application/json)


Type Specification

stringA string is a sequence of characters. It can include letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces."Europe/Kyiv"
booleanBoolean represents values true or falsetrue
floatFloat represents decimal numbers with fractional parts 3.142
integerInteger represents whole numbers without decimals42
datetimeDate and time values expressed in UTC and have the following format