Insights Overview

NameAPI CodeRequired Module
1DevicedeviceInfoCore Module
2VelocityvelocityCore Module
3IP InfoipInfoCore Module
4Apps InfoappsInfoCore Module v4.6.0+
5Last Installed AppslastAppsCore Module v4.6.0+
6Risky AppsriskyAppsCore Module v4.6.0+
7PermissionspermissionsCore Module v4.6.0+
8AudioaudioAudio Module
9Calendar EventscalendarCalendar Module
10ContactscontactsContacts Module
11ImagesimagesImages Module
12SMSsmsSMS Module
13VideovideoVideo Module


Accessing API Fields

Discover how to retrieve the API fields listed below through the Dataset Insights API.



Our API typically returns non-null values as string. For type spec on each field, see the Data Type column in the tables below.

For detailed type specifications, check out the Type Specification


Requires integration of latest Core Module

FieldData TypeDescription
deviceIdstringUnique device identifier. Max length: 100
deviceBrandstringBrand or manufacturer of the device. Max length: 100
deviceModelstringModel of the device. Max length: 100
deviceOsVersionstringOperating System version of the device. Max length: 100
deviceProductstringThe name of the product. Max length: 100
deviceScreenSizestringScreen size. Max length: 100
deviceExternalStorageTotalfloatTotal external storage in Megabytes
deviceExternalStorageFreefloatFree external storage in Megabytes
deviceMainStorageTotalfloatTotal main storage in Megabytes
deviceMainStorageFreefloatFree main storage in Megabytes
deviceRamTotalSizefloatTotal RAM size
deviceLocationEnabledbooleanIndicates if location is enabled
deviceWifiIsEnabledbooleanFlag for enabled Wifi (null in case WiFi permission is not declared)
deviceBluetoothOnbooleanFlag for Bluetooth
deviceDataRoamingbooleanIndicates if data roaming is enabled
deviceAccessibilityEnabledbooleanIndicates if accessibility is enabled
deviceBatteryIsChargingbooleanIndicates whether the battery is charging or not
deviceBatteryStatusfloatIndicates the current battery level in percentage
deviceCPUTypestringThe name of CPU type. Max length: 100
deviceIsLyingbooleanThe approximate device position: is lying flat or not
deviceIsAngledbooleanThe approximate device position: is angled or not
deviceIsStandingbooleanThe approximate device position: is standing or not
deviceIsVirtualbooleanIndicates if the device is running in a virtual environment
deviceEmulatorNamestringName of the virtual device emulator. Max length: 100
deviceIsRootedbooleanDevice has privileged access through rooting
deviceIsFingerprintEnrolledbooleanIndicates if there is at least one fingerprint enrolled
deviceNextAlarmClockdatetimeThe time at which the alarm is going to trigger (UTC time)
devicePhoneTypestringPhone type. Max length: 100
deviceNetworkOperatorNamestringName of the mobile network operator (only active SiM card is detected). Max length: 100
deviceSimCountryIsostringISO country code of the SIM card. Max length: 100
deviceLanguageCodestringCode for the primary language. Max length: 100
deviceRegionCodestringCode for the region or country based on locale settings of the device. Max length: 100
deviceTimeZoneIdstringTime zone setting of the device. Max length: 100
deviceLocaleDisplayLanguagestringLanguage for displaying text and UI. Max length: 100
deviceNetworkConnectionTypestringActive network connection type. Max length: 100
deviceHostAppIsClonedbooleanIndicates if host app is cloned.
deviceUSBMassStorageEnabledbooleanIndicates if USB MassStorage is enabled.
deviceADBEnabledbooleanIndicates if Android Debug Bridge is enabled.
deviceDevelopmentSettingsEnabledbooleanIndicates if Developer Mode is enabled.

Response body example (application/json)

      "deviceNextAlarmClock":"2023-08-14 09:20:00",


Requires integration of latest Core Module

FieldData TypeDescription
datasetsCountAllFromDeviceIdintegerTotal number of datasets uploaded from the same device
datasetsCountAllFromIpintegerTotal number of datasets uploaded from the same IP
datasetsCountAllFromDeviceIdAndIpintegerTotal number of datasets uploaded from the same device and IP
datasetsUniqueIpFromDeviceIdintegerUnique IP adresses for given device
datasetsUniqueDeviceIdFromIpintegerUnique devices for given IP address

Response body example (application/json)


IP Info

Requires integration of latest Core Module



If you're using a Proxy or Reverse Proxy configuration with the IP Info, ensure you submit the actual device IP address in your request

FieldData TypeDescription
ipstringUnique identifier assigned to a device on a network. Max length: 100
hostnamestringHost name of an IP address. Max length: 100
citystringUrban area where an IP address is located. Max length: 100
regionstringGeographical subdivision of a country where an IP address is situated. Max length: 100
countrystringCountry where an IP address is registered. Max length: 100
locstringGPS location of area where an IP address is registered. Max length: 100
postalstringPostal code associated with an IP address's location. Max length: 100
timezonestringStandard time of an IP address's geographical area. Max length: 100
privacyVpnbooleanConnection via VPN (IP address masking)
privacyProxybooleanConnection via proxy (IP address masking)
privacyTorbooleanConnection via tor (IP address masking)
privacyRelaybooleanConnection via privat relay (IP address masking)
privacyHostingbooleanConnection via hosting provider (IP address masking)

Response body example (application/json)

      "postal":"110 00",

Apps Info

Requires integration of Core Module v4.6.0+

FieldData TypeDescription
deviceAgeSinceFirstAppInstallByUserfloatEstimated duration since instalation of first user application
appsTotalCountintegerTotal number of installed applications
appsSystemCountintegerTotal number of installed system applications
appsUserCountintegerTotal number of installed user applications
appsUserInstalledLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of installed user applications in last 30 days
appsUserInstalledLast3MonthsCountintegerTotal number of installed user applications in last 3 months
appsUserInstalledLast6MonthsCountintegerTotal number of installed user applications in last 6 months
appsUserInstalledLast12MonthsCountintegerTotal number of installed user applications in last 12 months
appsInstalledLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of applications installed in last 30 days
appsPaidCountintegerTotal number of paid applications
appsFreeCountintegerTotal number of free applications
appsContentRating3+integerTotal number of applications with rating 3+
appsContentRating7+integerTotal number of applications with rating 7+
appsContentRating12+integerTotal number of applications with rating 12+
appsContentRating16+integerTotal number of applications with rating 16+
appsContentRating18+integerTotal number of applications with rating 18+
appsArtsAndEntertainmentCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Arts And Entertainment
appsGamesCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Games
appsSocialAndCommunicationsCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Socal And Communications
appsToolAndUtilitiesCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Tool And Utilities
appsOthersCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Others
appsMissingCountintegerTotal number of applications without matched category
appsArtAndDesignCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Design
appsBooksAndReferenceCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Books and Reference
appsComicsCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Comics
appsEntertainmentCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Entertainment
appsPhotographyCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Photography
appsVideoPlayersAndEditorsCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Video Players And Editors
appsEducationCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Education
appsGamesActionCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Action Games
appsGamesAdventureCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Adventure Games
appsGamesArcadeCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Arcade Games
appsGamesBoardCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Board Games
appsGamesCardCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Card Games
appsGamesCasinoCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Casino Games
appsGamesCasualCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Casual Games
appsGamesEducationalCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Educational Games
appsGamesMusicCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Music Games
appsGamesPuzzleCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Puzzle Games
appsGamesRacingCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Racing Games
appsGamesRolePlayingCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Role Playing Games
appsGamesSimulationCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Simulation Games
appsGamesStrategyCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Strategy Games
appsGamesTriviaCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Trivia Games
appsGamesWordCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Word Games
appsBeautyCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Beauty
appsDatingCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Dating
appsFoodAndDrinkCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Food and Drink
appsHealthAndFitnessCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Health And Fitness
appsLifestyleCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Lifestyle
appsMapsAndNavigationCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Maps and Navigation
appsMusicAndAudioCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Music and Audio
appsShoppingCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Shopping
appsTravelAndLocalCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Travel
appsAutoVehiclesCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Auto and Vehicles
appsBusinessCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Business
appsHouseAndHomeCountintegerTotal number of applications in category House and Home
appsLibrariesDemoCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Libraries
appsMedicalCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Medical
appsNewsMagazinesCountintegerTotal number of applications in category News And Magazines
appsParentingCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Parenting
appsSportsCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Sports
appsPersonalizationCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Personalization
appsFinanceCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Finance
appsProductivityCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Productivity
appsCommunicationCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Communication
appsSocialCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Social
appsEventsCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Events
appsToolsCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Tools
appsWeatherCountintegerTotal number of applications in category Weather

Response body example (application/json)


Last Installed Apps

Requires integration of Core Module v4.6.0+

FieldData TypeDescription
appPackageNamestringPackage name of the application (last 5 installed apps are displayed). Max length: 100
appGooglePlayCategorystringGooglePlay category of the application (last 5 installed apps are displayed). Max length: 100
appDateInstalleddatetimeInstallation date (last 5 installed apps are displayed)
appDateLastUpdateddatetimeLast update date (last 5 installed apps are displayed)
appPaidbooleanFlag is the application is paid (last 5 installed apps are displayed)
appContentRatingsstringContent rating of the application (last 5 installed apps are displayed). Max length: 100
appDateInstalledRankDescintegerOrder of the app based installed date (1 = last installed app)

Response body example (application/json)

         "appDateInstalled":"2023-07-31 20:08:14.496",
         "appDateLastUpdated":"2023-08-10 23:56:55.50",
         "appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
         "appDateInstalled":"2023-07-21 14:44:22.63",
         "appDateLastUpdated":"2023-07-21 14:44:22.63",
         "appDateInstalled":"2023-06-17 14:28:25.361",
         "appDateLastUpdated":"2023-08-02 19:04:12.907",
         "appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
         "appDateInstalled":"2023-06-17 13:55:50.417",
         "appDateLastUpdated":"2023-07-02 00:41:40.796",
         "appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
         "appDateInstalled":"2023-06-15 15:41:57.598",
         "appDateLastUpdated":"2023-07-20 20:57:39.875",
         "appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",

Risky Apps

Requires integration of Core Module v4.6.0+

FieldData TypeDescription
appClonerFlagbooleanPresence of App Cloner installation on the phone
anonymousMessengerFlagbooleanPresence of an anonymous messenger app on the phone
callCenterFlagbooleanPresence of a call center app on the phone
TorBrowserFlagbooleanPresence of Tor Browser installation on the phone
temporaryEmailFlag booleanPresence of a temporary email app on the phone
vpnFlagbooleanPresence of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) app on the phone
locationSpoofingFlagbooleanPresence of location spoofing functionality or app on the phone
appHiderFlagbooleanPresence of app hider app on the phone
virtualAndroidFlagbooleanPresence of virtual android app on the phone
deveiceIdChangerFlagbooleanPresence of device ID changing funcitonality or app on the phone
desktopMobileBridgeFlagbooleanPresence of app with controling phone from PC functionality

Response body example (application/json)



FieldData TypeDescription
readContactsintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to Contacts and Contacts Group
readExternalStorageintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the media files
readMediaAudiointegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the audio files
readMediaImagesintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the image files
readMediaVideointegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the video files
readCalendarintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the calendar information presented on the device
getAccountsintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the user's accounts on the device
accessWifiStateintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the wifi
useFingerprintintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the device's fingerprint
accessNetworkStateintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to the network
readSmsintegerPermission that allows reading metadata related to Sms

Response body example (application/json)



Permission Value Description

nullThe corresponding SDK module is not integrated
-1Permission is not included in the manifest
0Permission is not granted
1Permission is granted


Requires integration of Audio Module

FieldData TypeDescription
audioCountintegerTotal number of audio files
audioMusicCountintegerTotal number of music files


The values in the API response will be null if the permission is not granted or there is no data available

Response body example (application/json)


Calendar Events

Requires integration of Calendar Module

FieldData TypeDescription
calendarEventsPastCountintegerTotal number of past events
calendarEventsTotalCountintegerTotal number of calendar events
calendarEventsAsOrganizerCountintegerTotal number of organized calendar events
calendarEventsStatusConfirmedCountintegerTotal number of calendar events with confirmed status
calendarEventsDuringWeekdayCountintegerTotal number of calendar events during the weekday
calendarEventsMoreThan1AttendeeCountintegerTotal number of calendar events with more than 1 attendee
calendarEventsDifferentTimeZonesCountintegerTotal number of calendar events in different time zone
calendarEventsLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of calendar events in the last 30 days
calendarEventsNext30DaysCountintegerTotal number of events in the next 30 days
calendarEventsLast30DaysRepetitiveCountintegerTotal number of repetitive calendar events in the last 30 days
calendarEventsDuringWeekdayLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of calendar events during the weekday in the last 30 days


The values in the API response will be null if the permission is not granted or there is no data available

Response body example (application/json)



Requires integration of Contact Module

FieldData TypeDescription
contactsTotalCountintegerTotal number of contacts
contactsWithoutNumberCountintegerTotal number of contacts without any phone number
contactsMultipleNumbersCountintegerTotal number of contacts with multiple associated phone numbers
contactsStaredCountintegerTotal number of contacts marked as "Favourites"
contactsWithPictureCountintegerTotal number of contacts with associated picture
contactsWithRingtoneCountintegerTotal number of contacts with a special ringtone
phoneNumberTotalCountintegerTotal number of phone numbers
phoneNumberMobileCountintegerTotal number of phone numbers in category "Mobile"
phoneNumberWorkCountintegerTotal number of phone numbers in category "Work"
phoneNumberHomeCountintegerTotal number of phone numbers in category "Home"
phoneNumberOtherCountintegerTotal number of phone numbers in category "Other"
contactsWhatsAppCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked WhatsApp
contactsTelegramCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked Telegram
contactsMeetCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked Meet
contactsSkypeCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked Skype
contactsViberCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked Viber
contactsZoomCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked Zoom
contactsLineCountintegerTotal number of contacts with linked Line


The values in the API response will be null if the permission is not granted or there is no data available

Response body example (application/json)



Requires integration of Images Module

FieldData TypeDescription
imagesCountintegerTotal number of images
imagesCountWithLocationintegerTotal number of images with location property
imageResolutionstringMost frequent image resolution. Max length: 100
imagesLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of images created in the last 30 days
imagesLast360DaysCountintegerTotal number of images created in the last 360 days
imagesFirstMonth10ImagesstringFirst month with more than 10 images. Max length: 100
imagesCameraCountintegerTotal number of images taken by camera
imagesCameraLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of images taken by camera created in last 30 days


The values in the API response will be null if the permission is not granted or there is no data available

Response body example (application/json)



Requires integration of Sms Module

FieldData TypeDescription
smsInboxCountintegerThe total number of SMS in Inbox
smsInboxSeenCountintegerThe total number of SMS in Inbox with status "Seen"
smsInboxReadCountintegerThe total number of SMS in Inbox with status "Read"
smsInboxKnownNumberCountintegerThe total number of SMS in Inbox from known number
smsOutboxCountintegerThe total number of SMS in Outbox
smsOutboxDuringWeekdayCountintegerThe total number of SMS in Outbox sent during weekdays


The values in the API response will be null if the permission is not granted or there is no data available

Response body example (application/json)



Requires integration of Video Module

FieldData TypeDescription
videoCountintegerTotal number of video files
videoLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of video files created in the last 30 days
videoCameraCountintegerTotal number of videos taken by camera
videoCameraLast30DaysCountintegerTotal number of videos taken by camera in the last 30 days


The values in the API response will be null if the permission is not granted or there is no data available

Response body example (application/json)


Type Specification

stringA string is a sequence of characters. It can include letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces."Europe/Kyiv"
booleanBoolean represents values true or falsetrue
floatFloat represents decimal numbers with fractional parts 3.142
integerInteger represents whole numbers without decimals42
datetimeDate and time values expressed in UTC and have the following format