Insights Overview
№ | Name | API Code | Required Module |
1 | Device | deviceInfo | Core Module |
2 | Velocity | velocity | Core Module |
3 | IP Info | ipInfo | Core Module |
4 | Apps Info | appsInfo | Core Module v4.6.0+ |
5 | Last Installed Apps | lastApps | Core Module v4.6.0+ |
6 | Risky Apps | riskyApps | Core Module v4.6.0+ |
7 | Permissions | permissions | Core Module v4.6.0+ |
8 | Audio | audio | Audio Module |
9 | Calendar Events | calendar | Calendar Module |
10 | Contacts | contacts | Contacts Module |
11 | Images | images | Images Module |
12 | SMS | sms | SMS Module |
13 | Video | video | Video Module |
Accessing API Fields
Discover how to retrieve the API fields listed below through the Dataset Insights API.
Our API typically returns non-null values as
. For type spec on each field, see the Data Type column in the tables below.For detailed type specifications, check out the Type Specification
Requires integration of latest Core Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
deviceId | string | Unique device identifier. Max length: 100 |
deviceBrand | string | Brand or manufacturer of the device. Max length: 100 |
deviceModel | string | Model of the device. Max length: 100 |
deviceOsVersion | string | Operating System version of the device. Max length: 100 |
deviceProduct | string | The name of the product. Max length: 100 |
deviceScreenSize | string | Screen size. Max length: 100 |
deviceExternalStorageTotal | float | Total external storage in Megabytes |
deviceExternalStorageFree | float | Free external storage in Megabytes |
deviceMainStorageTotal | float | Total main storage in Megabytes |
deviceMainStorageFree | float | Free main storage in Megabytes |
deviceRamTotalSize | float | Total RAM size |
deviceLocationEnabled | boolean | Indicates if location is enabled |
deviceWifiIsEnabled | boolean | Flag for enabled Wifi (null in case WiFi permission is not declared) |
deviceBluetoothOn | boolean | Flag for Bluetooth |
deviceDataRoaming | boolean | Indicates if data roaming is enabled |
deviceAccessibilityEnabled | boolean | Indicates if accessibility is enabled |
deviceBatteryIsCharging | boolean | Indicates whether the battery is charging or not |
deviceBatteryStatus | float | Indicates the current battery level in percentage |
deviceCPUType | string | The name of CPU type. Max length: 100 |
deviceIsLying | boolean | The approximate device position: is lying flat or not |
deviceIsAngled | boolean | The approximate device position: is angled or not |
deviceIsStanding | boolean | The approximate device position: is standing or not |
deviceIsVirtual | boolean | Indicates if the device is running in a virtual environment |
deviceEmulatorName | string | Name of the virtual device emulator. Max length: 100 |
deviceIsRooted | boolean | Device has privileged access through rooting |
deviceIsFingerprintEnrolled | boolean | Indicates if there is at least one fingerprint enrolled |
deviceNextAlarmClock | datetime | The time at which the alarm is going to trigger (UTC time) |
devicePhoneType | string | Phone type. Max length: 100 |
deviceNetworkOperatorName | string | Name of the mobile network operator (only active SiM card is detected). Max length: 100 |
deviceSimCountryIso | string | ISO country code of the SIM card. Max length: 100 |
deviceLanguageCode | string | Code for the primary language. Max length: 100 |
deviceRegionCode | string | Code for the region or country based on locale settings of the device. Max length: 100 |
deviceTimeZoneId | string | Time zone setting of the device. Max length: 100 |
deviceLocaleDisplayLanguage | string | Language for displaying text and UI. Max length: 100 |
deviceNetworkConnectionType | string | Active network connection type. Max length: 100 |
deviceHostAppIsCloned | boolean | Indicates if host app is cloned. |
deviceUSBMassStorageEnabled | boolean | Indicates if USB MassStorage is enabled. |
deviceADBEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Android Debug Bridge is enabled. |
deviceDevelopmentSettingsEnabled | boolean | Indicates if Developer Mode is enabled. |
Response body example (application/json)
"deviceNextAlarmClock":"2023-08-14 09:20:00",
Requires integration of latest Core Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
datasetsCountAllFromDeviceId | integer | Total number of datasets uploaded from the same device |
datasetsCountAllFromIp | integer | Total number of datasets uploaded from the same IP |
datasetsCountAllFromDeviceIdAndIp | integer | Total number of datasets uploaded from the same device and IP |
datasetsUniqueIpFromDeviceId | integer | Unique IP adresses for given device |
datasetsUniqueDeviceIdFromIp | integer | Unique devices for given IP address |
Response body example (application/json)
IP Info
Requires integration of latest Core Module
If you're using a Proxy or Reverse Proxy configuration with the IP Info, ensure you submit the actual device IP address in your request
Field | Data Type | Description |
ip | string | Unique identifier assigned to a device on a network. Max length: 100 |
hostname | string | Host name of an IP address. Max length: 100 |
city | string | Urban area where an IP address is located. Max length: 100 |
region | string | Geographical subdivision of a country where an IP address is situated. Max length: 100 |
country | string | Country where an IP address is registered. Max length: 100 |
loc | string | GPS location of area where an IP address is registered. Max length: 100 |
postal | string | Postal code associated with an IP address's location. Max length: 100 |
timezone | string | Standard time of an IP address's geographical area. Max length: 100 |
privacyVpn | boolean | Connection via VPN (IP address masking) |
privacyProxy | boolean | Connection via proxy (IP address masking) |
privacyTor | boolean | Connection via tor (IP address masking) |
privacyRelay | boolean | Connection via privat relay (IP address masking) |
privacyHosting | boolean | Connection via hosting provider (IP address masking) |
Response body example (application/json)
"postal":"110 00",
Apps Info
Requires integration of Core Module v4.6.0+
Field | Data Type | Description |
deviceAgeSinceFirstAppInstallByUser | float | Estimated duration since instalation of first user application |
appsTotalCount | integer | Total number of installed applications |
appsSystemCount | integer | Total number of installed system applications |
appsUserCount | integer | Total number of installed user applications |
appsUserInstalledLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of installed user applications in last 30 days |
appsUserInstalledLast3MonthsCount | integer | Total number of installed user applications in last 3 months |
appsUserInstalledLast6MonthsCount | integer | Total number of installed user applications in last 6 months |
appsUserInstalledLast12MonthsCount | integer | Total number of installed user applications in last 12 months |
appsInstalledLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of applications installed in last 30 days |
appsPaidCount | integer | Total number of paid applications |
appsFreeCount | integer | Total number of free applications |
appsContentRating3+ | integer | Total number of applications with rating 3+ |
appsContentRating7+ | integer | Total number of applications with rating 7+ |
appsContentRating12+ | integer | Total number of applications with rating 12+ |
appsContentRating16+ | integer | Total number of applications with rating 16+ |
appsContentRating18+ | integer | Total number of applications with rating 18+ |
appsArtsAndEntertainmentCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Arts And Entertainment |
appsGamesCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Games |
appsSocialAndCommunicationsCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Socal And Communications |
appsToolAndUtilitiesCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Tool And Utilities |
appsOthersCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Others |
appsMissingCount | integer | Total number of applications without matched category |
appsArtAndDesignCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Design |
appsBooksAndReferenceCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Books and Reference |
appsComicsCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Comics |
appsEntertainmentCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Entertainment |
appsPhotographyCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Photography |
appsVideoPlayersAndEditorsCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Video Players And Editors |
appsEducationCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Education |
appsGamesActionCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Action Games |
appsGamesAdventureCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Adventure Games |
appsGamesArcadeCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Arcade Games |
appsGamesBoardCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Board Games |
appsGamesCardCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Card Games |
appsGamesCasinoCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Casino Games |
appsGamesCasualCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Casual Games |
appsGamesEducationalCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Educational Games |
appsGamesMusicCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Music Games |
appsGamesPuzzleCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Puzzle Games |
appsGamesRacingCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Racing Games |
appsGamesRolePlayingCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Role Playing Games |
appsGamesSimulationCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Simulation Games |
appsGamesStrategyCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Strategy Games |
appsGamesTriviaCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Trivia Games |
appsGamesWordCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Word Games |
appsBeautyCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Beauty |
appsDatingCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Dating |
appsFoodAndDrinkCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Food and Drink |
appsHealthAndFitnessCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Health And Fitness |
appsLifestyleCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Lifestyle |
appsMapsAndNavigationCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Maps and Navigation |
appsMusicAndAudioCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Music and Audio |
appsShoppingCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Shopping |
appsTravelAndLocalCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Travel |
appsAutoVehiclesCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Auto and Vehicles |
appsBusinessCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Business |
appsHouseAndHomeCount | integer | Total number of applications in category House and Home |
appsLibrariesDemoCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Libraries |
appsMedicalCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Medical |
appsNewsMagazinesCount | integer | Total number of applications in category News And Magazines |
appsParentingCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Parenting |
appsSportsCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Sports |
appsPersonalizationCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Personalization |
appsFinanceCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Finance |
appsProductivityCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Productivity |
appsCommunicationCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Communication |
appsSocialCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Social |
appsEventsCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Events |
appsToolsCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Tools |
appsWeatherCount | integer | Total number of applications in category Weather |
Response body example (application/json)
Last Installed Apps
Requires integration of Core Module v4.6.0+
Field | Data Type | Description |
appPackageName | string | Package name of the application (last 5 installed apps are displayed). Max length: 100 |
appGooglePlayCategory | string | GooglePlay category of the application (last 5 installed apps are displayed). Max length: 100 |
appDateInstalled | datetime | Installation date (last 5 installed apps are displayed) |
appDateLastUpdated | datetime | Last update date (last 5 installed apps are displayed) |
appPaid | boolean | Flag is the application is paid (last 5 installed apps are displayed) |
appContentRatings | string | Content rating of the application (last 5 installed apps are displayed). Max length: 100 |
appDateInstalledRankDesc | integer | Order of the app based installed date (1 = last installed app) |
Response body example (application/json)
"appDateInstalled":"2023-07-31 20:08:14.496",
"appDateLastUpdated":"2023-08-10 23:56:55.50",
"appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
"appDateInstalled":"2023-07-21 14:44:22.63",
"appDateLastUpdated":"2023-07-21 14:44:22.63",
"appDateInstalled":"2023-06-17 14:28:25.361",
"appDateLastUpdated":"2023-08-02 19:04:12.907",
"appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
"appDateInstalled":"2023-06-17 13:55:50.417",
"appDateLastUpdated":"2023-07-02 00:41:40.796",
"appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
"appDateInstalled":"2023-06-15 15:41:57.598",
"appDateLastUpdated":"2023-07-20 20:57:39.875",
"appContentRatings":"rated for 3+",
Risky Apps
Requires integration of Core Module v4.6.0+
Field | Data Type | Description |
appClonerFlag | boolean | Presence of App Cloner installation on the phone |
anonymousMessengerFlag | boolean | Presence of an anonymous messenger app on the phone |
callCenterFlag | boolean | Presence of a call center app on the phone |
TorBrowserFlag | boolean | Presence of Tor Browser installation on the phone |
temporaryEmailFlag | boolean | Presence of a temporary email app on the phone |
vpnFlag | boolean | Presence of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) app on the phone |
locationSpoofingFlag | boolean | Presence of location spoofing functionality or app on the phone |
appHiderFlag | boolean | Presence of app hider app on the phone |
virtualAndroidFlag | boolean | Presence of virtual android app on the phone |
deveiceIdChangerFlag | boolean | Presence of device ID changing funcitonality or app on the phone |
desktopMobileBridgeFlag | boolean | Presence of app with controling phone from PC functionality |
Response body example (application/json)
Field | Data Type | Description |
readContacts | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to Contacts and Contacts Group |
readExternalStorage | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the media files |
readMediaAudio | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the audio files |
readMediaImages | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the image files |
readMediaVideo | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the video files |
readCalendar | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the calendar information presented on the device |
getAccounts | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the user's accounts on the device |
accessWifiState | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the wifi |
useFingerprint | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the device's fingerprint |
accessNetworkState | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to the network |
readSms | integer | Permission that allows reading metadata related to Sms |
Response body example (application/json)
Permission Value Description
Value | Description |
null | The corresponding SDK module is not integrated |
-1 | Permission is not included in the manifest |
0 | Permission is not granted |
1 | Permission is granted |
Requires integration of Audio Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
audioCount | integer | Total number of audio files |
audioMusicCount | integer | Total number of music files |
The values in the API response will be
if the permission is not granted or there is no data available
Response body example (application/json)
Calendar Events
Requires integration of Calendar Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
calendarEventsPastCount | integer | Total number of past events |
calendarEventsTotalCount | integer | Total number of calendar events |
calendarEventsAsOrganizerCount | integer | Total number of organized calendar events |
calendarEventsStatusConfirmedCount | integer | Total number of calendar events with confirmed status |
calendarEventsDuringWeekdayCount | integer | Total number of calendar events during the weekday |
calendarEventsMoreThan1AttendeeCount | integer | Total number of calendar events with more than 1 attendee |
calendarEventsDifferentTimeZonesCount | integer | Total number of calendar events in different time zone |
calendarEventsLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of calendar events in the last 30 days |
calendarEventsNext30DaysCount | integer | Total number of events in the next 30 days |
calendarEventsLast30DaysRepetitiveCount | integer | Total number of repetitive calendar events in the last 30 days |
calendarEventsDuringWeekdayLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of calendar events during the weekday in the last 30 days |
The values in the API response will be
if the permission is not granted or there is no data available
Response body example (application/json)
Requires integration of Contact Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
contactsTotalCount | integer | Total number of contacts |
contactsWithoutNumberCount | integer | Total number of contacts without any phone number |
contactsMultipleNumbersCount | integer | Total number of contacts with multiple associated phone numbers |
contactsStaredCount | integer | Total number of contacts marked as "Favourites" |
contactsWithPictureCount | integer | Total number of contacts with associated picture |
contactsWithRingtoneCount | integer | Total number of contacts with a special ringtone |
phoneNumberTotalCount | integer | Total number of phone numbers |
phoneNumberMobileCount | integer | Total number of phone numbers in category "Mobile" |
phoneNumberWorkCount | integer | Total number of phone numbers in category "Work" |
phoneNumberHomeCount | integer | Total number of phone numbers in category "Home" |
phoneNumberOtherCount | integer | Total number of phone numbers in category "Other" |
contactsWhatsAppCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked WhatsApp |
contactsTelegramCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked Telegram |
contactsMeetCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked Meet |
contactsSkypeCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked Skype |
contactsViberCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked Viber |
contactsZoomCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked Zoom |
contactsLineCount | integer | Total number of contacts with linked Line |
The values in the API response will be
if the permission is not granted or there is no data available
Response body example (application/json)
Requires integration of Images Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
imagesCount | integer | Total number of images |
imagesCountWithLocation | integer | Total number of images with location property |
imageResolution | string | Most frequent image resolution. Max length: 100 |
imagesLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of images created in the last 30 days |
imagesLast360DaysCount | integer | Total number of images created in the last 360 days |
imagesFirstMonth10Images | string | First month with more than 10 images. Max length: 100 |
imagesCameraCount | integer | Total number of images taken by camera |
imagesCameraLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of images taken by camera created in last 30 days |
The values in the API response will be
if the permission is not granted or there is no data available
Response body example (application/json)
Requires integration of Sms Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
smsInboxCount | integer | The total number of SMS in Inbox |
smsInboxSeenCount | integer | The total number of SMS in Inbox with status "Seen" |
smsInboxReadCount | integer | The total number of SMS in Inbox with status "Read" |
smsInboxKnownNumberCount | integer | The total number of SMS in Inbox from known number |
smsOutboxCount | integer | The total number of SMS in Outbox |
smsOutboxDuringWeekdayCount | integer | The total number of SMS in Outbox sent during weekdays |
The values in the API response will be
if the permission is not granted or there is no data available
Response body example (application/json)
Requires integration of Video Module
Field | Data Type | Description |
videoCount | integer | Total number of video files |
videoLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of video files created in the last 30 days |
videoCameraCount | integer | Total number of videos taken by camera |
videoCameraLast30DaysCount | integer | Total number of videos taken by camera in the last 30 days |
The values in the API response will be
if the permission is not granted or there is no data available
Response body example (application/json)
Type Specification
Type | Description | Example |
string | A string is a sequence of characters. It can include letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. | "Europe/Kyiv" |
boolean | Boolean represents values true or false | true |
float | Float represents decimal numbers with fractional parts | 3.142 |
integer | Integer represents whole numbers without decimals | 42 |
datetime | Date and time values expressed in UTC and have the following formatyyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.ffffffZ | 2023-08-14T07:29:46.3156016Z |
Updated 14 days ago