iOS SDK Integration

The minimal iOS deployment target version is 11.
The programming language is Swift.


Before you start

Make sure you've obtained a token, server URL, and auth key from credolab

1. Declare dependencies


See this page for details on installing CocoaPods and creating your first pod file if you haven't already.

Now, modify your pod file

source 'https://token:[email protected]/basic/credolab/proxyen-sdk/cocoapods/index.git'
target 'YourApplication' do
  pod 'CredoAppCore', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppCalendarEvents', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppCalendarReminders', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppContacts', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppMusic', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppMedia', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppApplication', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'CredoAppBehavioral', '~> X.Y.Z'
  # Optional: if you want to use logging plugin
  pod 'CredoAppLogging', '~> X.Y.Z'
  pod 'Sentry', :git => '', :tag => '7.23.0'



Please, replace X.Y.Z with module versions from SDK Versions page.
The final result should look like this:

	pod 'CredoAppModule', '~> 1.0.0'

Once added, the cocoa pods tool will download the dependency to the Pods directory in your project and update the Podfile.lock after running the following command:

pod install

2. Declare permissions

Please declare permissions according to the "permissions" in Modules section

Enable "Keychain Sharing"

To enable sharing the Device ID across apps and ensure it survives app reinstalls, we recommend additionally configuring "Keychain Sharing" in the app.

  1. Add com.credolab to its list of Keychain Groups:
  2. Check that added value is reflected in the entitlements file:
  3. Add the key AppIdentifierPrefix with the string value $(AppIdentifierPrefix) to your app's Info.plist

3. Build and use CredoAppService

To start, you need to add the following snippet to your code

// if you use BehavioralModule
// credolab recommends to use logging in behavioral module
BehavioralModule.setLogger(plugin: LoggingPlugin()) 
// run can tracking in any place in your code
let credoAppService = CredoAppService.Builder()

// stop tracking on a particular screen or app condition



Please refer to BehavioralModule section for additional information about module integration.

Application module


To integarte CredoAppApplication module, the initial step involves adding URL Schemas into the Info.plist file within your project (maximum 50 schemas are allowed).

Below is a list of common app schemas along with a detailed guide on how to declare them in the Info.plist file.

Now, use the service

	let credoAppResult = credoAppService.collect()

	switch credoAppResult {
		case .success(let value):
		case .error(let errorCode, let errorMsg):
			log("Err: \(Date().timeIntervalSince1970); code - \(errorCode); msg - \(errorMsg);")


Remember that you always must call collect method on a background thread .background).async.

If collect method is successful then dataset is returned.


Behavioral data is cleared on collect() method call

Once collect() method is called BehavioralModule clears its data stored on user the device.

Thus, for data consistency, our strong recommendation is to call the method only once: at the end of the user flow.

4. Upload from an iOS Device (Testing purposes only)


Direct Upload Note:

In a production environment, datasets should only be uploaded via your organization's proxy server.

For testing, integration, or generating insights, you may use the following code snippet:

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Video Tutorials

Core Module Integration Tutorial

Optional Modules Integration Tutorial

Behavioral Module Integration Tutorial

Next Steps

After successfully integrating our SDK, it is recommended to proceed with the following steps to utilise our platform effectively:

  1. Setting up your Reverse Proxy
  2. Uploading your Dataset. Once the server is configured, you can upload your dataset using the server address.
  3. Collecting your Dataset Insight or TruValidate(formerly known as iovation) Fraud Check. With the dataset uploaded, you can now get insights or perform TruValidate Fraud Checks to assess risk based on the device and transaction details provided.